Free Enterprise In Three Minutes Podcast With Ray Keating

Episode #196: Infrastructure Spending and the Economy



Ray notes that government infrastructure spending can serve, but doesn’t drive economic growth. There’s a real difference. Consider books by Ray Keating…• Order The Weekly Economist II: 52 More Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist. Signed books here.  And Kindle and paperback editions here.• The Weekly Economist: 52 Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist.Signed paperbacks at or paperbacks, hardcovers and Kindle editions at• Cathedral: An Alliance of Saint Michael Novel. Signed paperbacks and/or paperbacks, hardcovers and the Kindle edition at Amazon.• The Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries. Order signed books here, or paperbacks and Kindle editions right here.• The Lutheran Planner: The TO DO List Solution combines a simple, powerful system for getting things done with encouragement, inspiration and consolation from the Christian faith.• Behind Enemy Lines: Conservative Communiques from Left-Wing New York  –  signed books  or at  Amazon.•  Free Tr