Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

“Absolutely never think that you have to give up, there is always another door”: Lianna Brinded - Head Of Yahoo Finance UK



Lianna BrindedLeila is joined by Lianna Brinded - Head Of Yahoo Finance UK.IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT· The recent launch of Lianna’s ‘Global Change Agents’ programme, where she has been interviewing leaders of her choosing, from CEOs to Heads of D&I· Lianna’s mixed cultural background (she is half-Malaysian/Chinese on her mother’s side) and the time she spent abroad during her childhood· The importance of not following a set viewprint as a leader and instead taking great tips and using them to forge your own path· Lianna’s belief that more inclusive environments can in turn lead to a more joyful and productive environment· The intersectionality of diversity: age, ethnicity, gender, neurodiversityRESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/liannabrinded/Continue the conversation on LinkedIn