Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

“I don’t think you can dictate to somebody what a great leader is”: Alexandra Watson - Editor In Chief at SHINE UK Magazine, Founder of TRUE Leadership for Women, Keynote Speaker and Best-Selling Author



Alexandra Watson - Editor In Chief at SHINE UK Magazine, Founder of TRUE Leadership for Women, Keynote Speaker and Best-Selling AuthorLeila is joined by Alexandra Watson, Editor In Chief at SHINE UK Magazine, Founder of TRUE Leadership for Women, Keynote Speaker and Best-Selling Author.IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT· Alex’s exciting new role with DIAL Global· Alex’s view on how best to resolve the challenges preventing women from moving into business leadership roles via her own 2020 initiative· More details on the leadership training modules at the heart of 2020, which are available to individuals at all levels (from graduate to C-suite) within all industries· The intersection between emotional intelligence and a more intellectual approach in 2020’s leadership training· The extremely low representation of women in senior level roles in the business world, and further thoughts on what exactly has held women back from filling these roles RESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDhttp://alexandrawatson.com/ ht