Creation Care Podcast

Creation Care Podcast - talking about singer song writer, eastern men, shocker, sorts, pod



Welcome to this special edition of the Christian Care pod cast. I am Leski(?) Louchkan(?) here in Harrison Berg Virginia and today we have a special opportunity to be with Lucas Shocker to the Junior at Eastern men ___ University. Him Lucas welcome. Thank you thank you Leski(?). We're happy to have you on now Lucas you're a junior and you're a bit of a singer a song writer tell us what ___ that. Well I think I was inspired growing by an uncle who's a singer song writer and a guy from my church and both of them I thought we're as good as anybody else I've heard and I wanted to be like them. Yeah I know that only makes sense and you and you've been writing and distance different sorts of songs and then you'll gonna be playing with them for us right now. Tell us a bit more about the song that you're about to play for us.