
ClubChrisFM 2009 Birthday Mix



Like I needed another excuse for another mix? Yes, it's my birthday... today. And yes, I made a mix for it. And yes, I'm even on vacation and posting this. Haha. So, I thought a birthday mix would be fun, but instead of just choosing a bunch of favorite dance songs from my collection, I needed to limit that down. So here is the rule... it had to be a mix that I added to my library in the last year of my life, but wasn't necessarily new when I did (save one, which I'll get to in a minute). Now, before some of you say, "I can't believe that you didn't have THAT song" or whatever, realize that most of these I already had some mix of, but for whatever reason these stayed under my radar. Be it because at the time, I had another mix I really favored, maybe heard before but my taste has changed a little, or -- heaven forbid -- totally didn't know existed. Ha. So get ready for some MAJOR random, but I think you may find some gems on here as I did (or maybe one of them will give you memories from a happy ti