
ClubChrisFM 2009 Fireworks Mix



Wow... its July already and it definitely feels like it outside! Well, as if it wasn't hot enough, here is a new mix that will hopefully make you sweat. :-P Since I've been sharing these on Facebook, many have commented that they favor the harder mixes/parts of my mixes better. Since I will never give up my happy discoey songs, I'll just try to get to the more "peak-hour" music sooner in the mix. In addition, I have been tweaking the ClubChrisFM Sparkle FiltersTM®© somewhat. I think I've been driving the volume with somewhat of a lead foot, so that has been adjusted such that this mix may not sound as "loud" overall, but you should notice better dynamic contrast and clarity. A few songs of interest... First of all, I apologize for the quality of Amber - I Don't Believe In Hate (Yinon Yahel Extended Mix). It Is a pre-release demo, but I just couldn't wait another few weeks for the official release to use it. I mean... hello... it's Amber and Yinon. Suffice to say, stunning. Alan T vs.