Goldstein On Gelt

Why You Should Care About the Global Economy



Is investing in the global economy really that important? Andrew Vonnegut, author of Inside the Global Economy: A Practical Guide, is an expert in global economics. He explains why global economics should matter to individual investors. Events like wars and market crashes affect every corner of the world. How can investors best prepare for the ripple effect to reach their portfolio? Andrew gives practical advice on how to pick investments in an ever-changing global economy. If you ever wondered about why you should worry if a foreign currency falls, listen to this episode to learn about the interconnected global economy. Is global investing a path to wealth? Doug emphasizes the importance of diversification and explains what that means in the context of the global market. Refer to his free resource called Is Long-Term Global Investing Still a Path to Wealth? To learn more about diversification, listen to The Goldstein on Gelt Show episode called How to Make Good Investment Choices, featuring Paul Merriman. Do