Ponderings From The Perch

MRX Mavericks: Supporting Women in Research with Kristin Luck



Strap on your headsets and fasten your seatbelts - we're taking you on a ride through the skies of market research! Welcome to the MRX Mavericks miniseries, where we'll show you how to soar above the competition like the true Top Guns of the market research industry. Priscilla McKinney, call sign Momma Bird, is joined by Kristin Luck, Founder of ScaleHouse and consultant known for non-traditional growth strategies. You’ll hear the backstory of how and why Kristin founded  Women in Research and the impact this has made on the industry. Since 2007 this community has focused on empowering the women inside of insights has made a difference helping many to build successful careers and increase representation in leadership roles. Various programs run by WIRe are working to include women in all spaces, such as mentorship programs, scholarship funds for women in emerging or conflict markets, and the WIRExec forum. They have made serious strides getting more female voices on stages at conferences around the world. A