Skip Hunt's Phlog (phone Blog)

Watching My Backside In Cartagena, Colombia



Hello this is Skip(?) again. I'm hoping you can hear me over the music it's June 5th about 5:30 Tuesday. I'm now in Cartahena(?) Columbia. And we got here yesterday and it seems pretty rough when I got in there's a little bit of a hassle was working out the buses then and then some guy came up and was asking me in english what I was looking for and then some other guy pushed him away and told me that what I was looking for was down there one(?) street to keep moving and pushed the guy back again a bit to protect me which was kinda nice and I found a place that I was looking for got a room. It is still freaking nice(?) here but it's beautiful so if it wasn't so beautiful I think I'd move on and try to find some where I think there was more of a breeze but it is pretty beautiful as far as the