
#313 Christopher Nolan



What I learned from reading The Nolan Variations: The Movies, Mysteries, and Marvels of Christopher Nolan by Tom Shone.---EightSleep: Get the best sleep of your life and unlock more energy with the Pod 3. Get $150 off at Founders AMAMembers of Founders AMA can:-Email me your questions directly (you get a private email address in the confirmation email) -Promote your company to other members by including a link to your website with you question -Unlock 30 Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes immediately-Listen to new Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes every week ---One of the best podcasts I've heard this year: Listen to Invest Like The Best #336 Jeremy Giffon Special Situations in Private Markets ---Join my free email newsletter to get my top 10 highlights from every book---(7:00) The only way I know how to work is to sort of burrow in on one project very obsessively.(7:25) People will say to me, "There are people online who are obsessed with Inception or obsessed with Memento.”They're a