Radically Loved With Rosie Acosta

Episode 515. Emotional Processing: Talk to Yourself Out Loud with Vasavi Kumar



It's great to have a community and safe space for support. However, it's just as important to be able to talk to yourself to understand your emotions and help yourself move forward. Loving your voice can unplug a dam of opportunities and connections your way.Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:Find out how to know when to walk away and when to stayDiscover the importance of loving your voice and talking to yourself out loudLearn how you can start talking to yourself out loudEpisode Highlights:[03:47] Knowing When to Walk Away vs. When to Hold On[10:56] Shifting from “Work Mode” to “Relaxation Mode”[15:00] The Importance of Talking to Yourself Out Loud[17:30] Getting Comfortable with Hearing Ourselves Talk Out Loud[21:05] Changing the Narrative of Negative Self-Talk[24:30] Talking to Yourself Every Day[27:10] Getting in Trouble for Being Too Passionate[35:42] Breaking the Cycle of Self-Suppression[40:17] Infusing Fun in Our Interactions[42:10] How Vasavi Feels Radically Loved Resou