Hades Base Channeling Network

The Wizard Rig and A Program Change- Part 1



Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.  The channeling session for August is one for the history books. History in that it is the earliest of all the channeling sessions that have now been entered into the archives. These were the earliest days when there were few speakers on the base and big changes were underway. One change was reflected where at one point in the session word is come down from Ashtar that these sessions now have to have a purpose of training us instead of debating various theories. These early sessions usually only had Omal and Korton with only one or two other speakers. With this session, we get Omal three times and Korton in what appears to be a series of different sessions over a couple nights. We start things off with just just a friend of ours named Bethany who was the only one asking questions during the first part of the night. These are the days when Bethany was the core of the group and was a very active participant. Here, she starts things off by asking about what we were