Define: Conversations On Diversity & Hollywood

DEFINE: Fat Shaming Culture in Media



This month's episode’s theme is the insidious culture of fat-shaming, especially in regards to women, that Hollywood has employed in film and TV since the dawn of its existence. From the media frenzy around Renee Zellweger’s weight gain for Bridget Jones to Rebel Wilson’s character’s relentless potty humor in the Pitch Perfect franchise, we hope to scrutinize why there are so little genuine portrayals of plus size women in media. Our goal with DEFINE is to take part in the ongoing discussions on diversity and fair representation in film and television. We hope to deconstruct stereotypes, inform audiences and do our part to help make our voices louder so our demands can be heard and seriously considered. We want more diverse stories and characters. In fact, we’re here to argue not just why we want them, but why we truly need them.This is a TYF production. - Follow @TYFofficial for more info.Music: