Define: Conversations On Diversity & Hollywood

DEFINE: Diversity in the DC Extended Universe



Welcome to the second episode of The Young Folks’s new podcast, DEFINE: Conversations on Hollywood & Diversity. Gabrielle Bondi hosts this new podcast with guests. This month, we have TYF’s film editor, Allyson Johnson and writer Melissa Berne.Today’s main topic is the DC Extended Universe. With the recent release of the much talked about Suicide Squad, we are dedicating this episode to the film as well as other DC films and TV shows and how fairly they depict diversity in their properties.Our goal with DEFINE is to take part in the ongoing discussions on diversity and fair representation in film and television. We hope to deconstruct stereotypes, inform audiences and do our part to help make our voices louder so our demands can be heard and seriously considered. We want more diverse stories and characters. In fact, we’re here to argue not just why we want them, but why we truly need them.This is a TYF production. - Follow @TYFofficial for more info.Music: