Artful Camera | Analog And Digital Photography And Filmmaking

Episode 44 - David duChemin of Pixelated Image



In Episode 44 of the Digital Convergence Podcast, Carl Olson and Chris Fenwick speak with photographer and author David duChemin of Pixelated Image. David is the author of Vision Mongers - Making A Life and a Living In Photography, Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision, and Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. He is also the author of a number of wonderfully beautiful and inspiring e-books available at David duChemin is a thoughtful ranter. He is never rude, but, rather, passionately convincing in his push to help us become better photographers and visual artists. I think you'll agree that David provides a good dose of fertilizer in the cultivation of our art - whether we are still photographers or filmmakers.