Artful Camera | Analog And Digital Photography And Filmmaking

Episode 41 - Owen Masterson of Anthony-Masterson Photography



Episode 41 - Featuring Owen Masterson of Anthony-Masterson Photography and producer of the movie Grow! - with host Carl Olson ( and co-host Chris Fenwick ( Christine Anthony and Owen Masterson are the wife/husband filmmaker/ photography duo known as Anthony-Masterson. They moved to Atlanta from Los Angeles 5 years ago because they wanted to experience a different part of the country.    Their first film FARM!, a 13 minute documentary about young farmers in Georgia, was shot on the Flip Ultra. In 2008 FARM! was an official selection of both the Rome International Film Festival and the Athens EcoFocus Film Festival. They have since picked up a Panasonic HPX170 P2. In this episode of Digital Convergence, Owen Masterson speaks with me about his latest movie project, the documentary: Grow!. The movie is about about young, new organic farmers in Georgia. They chose 12 farms located throughout the state. The cast includes 21 farmers, each one unique as far as education