Artful Camera | Analog And Digital Photography And Filmmaking

Episode 39 - Jeff Regan of Shooting Star Video



Episode 39 - Featuring Jeff Regan of Shooting Star Video - with host Carl Olson ( and co-host Chris Fenwick ( Jeff Regan is the founder and owner of Shooting Star Video - a provider of high quality video equipment rentals and services in the Bay Area for over 25 years. Having been intimately involved in video technology since the Reagan administration in the early 80's, Jeff adds his unique voice and perspective to the Digital Convergence podcast. We talk about the evolution of video technology, bringing the cinema aesthetic to video, traditional video camcorders vs HDSLR gear, and the vital role collaboration plays in producing creative works. Jeff talks, too, about the new Panasonic AF-100 4/3 micro camcorder and answers a number of our questions about the camera, bit rate obession, AVCHD codec vs other codecs, etc. Jeff's insight into video technology brings a reasoned voice of balance in the near religious wars of HDSLR vs. traditional video. A must-listen e