Artful Camera | Analog And Digital Photography And Filmmaking

Episode 32 - Ted Schilowitz of RED Digital Cinema



Episode 32 - In this episode Chris Fenwick and I talk with employee #1 of RED Digital Cinema: Ted Schilowitz. Ted talks with us about the Scarlet and EPIC cameras from RED. What is variable HDR - an intriguing feature recently announced for EPIC - promising over 13 stops dynamic range? Will variable HDR be available for Scarlet? When will Scarlet ship? What is RED's position on the HDSLR video revolution? Where can HDSLR photographers learn more about shooting with RED? Why should cinematographers care about 4K? How does Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premeire Pro CS5 workflow compare for RED footage? Chris and I also share listener questions with Ted. A great episode! Ted was a fine guest and we are going to be inviting him back soon to dig into more details about EPIC and Scarlet. Just not enough time in one episode to talk about all the great things the RED team is doing. This episode of the Digital Convergence podcast is also the first episode where I have the privilege of working with a co-host. Chris Fenwick