Artful Camera | Analog And Digital Photography And Filmmaking

Episode 31 - Red Giant Software, Letus Direct, and Robert Benson



Episode 31 - Featuring Red Giant Software, Letus Direct and Robert Benson - on the Digital Convergence Podcast by 16x9 Cinema with host Carl Olson - a visual artist, photographer, and filmmaker based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.  You can find us on the web at and on Twitter as 16x9cinema. The Digital Convergence podcast is designed for visual artists, photographers, and cinematographers embracing new technology and techniques in practicing their craft. In this episode's first segment I talk with Sean Safreed - the co-founder of Red Giant Software. He talks about Red Giant's new plugin Colorista II as well as exciting new things coming from the genius developers of Red Giant Software. In the second segment of the show, I talk with Aaron Pinto - CEO of Letus Direct - a primary marketer and distributor of Letus products. Letus made a name for itself with it's line of 35mm adapters that allowed videographers to achieve shallow DOF and a filmic look with video cameras ranging from the consumer grade HV