Blue Magic

005 - Draw What You Love! With Erotibot and Calm



Today is a two for one show! On air, I interview the amazing Erotibot. And below in text is my interview with Calm!  Erotibot: Twitter | Tumblr | HentaiFoundry Support him on Patreon! Gumroad, where you can buy the HR versions of Hot Shit High! Calm: Twitter | Tumblr | HentaiFoundry Support him on Patreon! Buy Hi-Res and Process Packs on Gumroad or CubeBrush! My Interview with Calm: When did you realize you wanted to draw erotic content? What caused you to finally take the plunge? Prior to starting doing erotic illustrations for a living, I had been doing erotic illustrations just for fun once in a while over several years, really just for my own entertainment. It's hard to say exactly when I started doing them for fun, but it was in 2008 I figured I'd start posting drawings on Hentai-Foundry and not just keep them to myself. And the drawings got more positive feedback than I thought they would. More than the normal non-erotic work I usually made back then. So it left a positive impression on me. I kept