Elevator World

Guinness Recognizes Hitachi For World’s Fastest Elevator



Welcome to the Elevator World News Podcast. This week’s news podcast is sponsored by elevatorbooks.com: www.elevatorbooks.com GUINNESS RECOGNIZES HITACHI FOR WORLD’S FASTEST ELEVATOR The 1,260-m/min (47 mph) Hitachi, Ltd. elevator serving the Rosewood hotel in the 530-m-tall Guangzhou CTF Finance Center in Guangzhou, China, has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's fastest. Hitachi Elevator (China) Co., Ltd. officials were presented the honor on September 10 to coincide with the elevator going into operation. Part of a 151-unit order, it travels more than 440 m from the hotel lobby to the 95th floor in approximately 42 s. Hitachi has a deep history in Asia, where in 1968 it debuted what was the fastest elevator in Japan at the time, traveling 300 m/min. Hitachi has been active in China since the 1980s, and reports it achieved the top share in number of new elevators and escalators ordered in the world's largest market in 2018.   Image credit: courtesy of KPF To read the full transcript