Co-op Mode Reviews

Dark Void



For this episode, we decided to play and discuss the listener’s choice. Speaking of him, Brandon Peat, joins in on the conversation about Capcom’s 2010 release. Prior to the review we get to learn about Brandon’s background in gaming and have Josh give us his quick review of Shadow Complex. This marks the fifth entry that we had Nolan North as one of the voices in a video game (Batman: Arkham City, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, Shadow Complex). Again, we just love him. The guys think conceptually the game is great on paper! Who doesn’t love jet-packs? However, one reviewer had his first rage quit for the show! Fun times! Sit back and listen to the men of Co-Op Mode and their guest converse about this pulpy sci-fi adventure that had its “heart” in the right place, but never fully took “flight”.Support the show