Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR Episode 22 (Energetic Melt Of Everything At Once with Ezra Dickinson)



For episode 22 of Candy Teeth Radio we invite Ezra Dickinson into the studio to talk about his amazing dance work titled "Mother For You I Made This" where he takes the audience into the streets and alleys of Seattle in a disorienting multimedia experience and what it was like giving a TEDx talk about the piece, how he uses "slow walks" as a form of time travel and meditative practice, public clothes swaps, and the new secret project he can't tell you about. We talk about the amazing Microsoft Gigapixel Art Zoom project that Ezra, Jeremy, and Daniel all appear in that is like a city-wide artist filled Where's Waldo. Daniel takes his intermediate motorcycle training course from a good cop / bad cop pair of instructors, iron pipes have been found in China that are believed to be 150000 years old, Sting makes a comeback with a 100 year old message in a bottle, and the new Hello Barbie records your kids conversations and transmits them to Mattel for "voice recognition software improvement"! Find out more about