Indio Radio Podcast!

John And Kane on Indio Radio - Friday 1-08-16



Live from Shock City Studios! ( - @ShockCityMusic) John and Kane are LIVE Monday thru Friday at 10a CT on INDIO RADIO...It's The John and Kane Show - It's another DOWNLOADABLE SHOW! It’s Friday and we kick off the show with our sex therapist: Lindsay Walden! (@SexyThoughts7) we talk about the adult toys you can play with - and win discounts with fun games - it'll pay to connect with Lindsay! It's always great having Lindsay in - and she is great with depression, anxiety - couples and even sex therapy, so make sure to connect with Lindsay here: - @SexyThoughts7 - or call: 314-485-9189 - then we bring in Author in STL: Chris Andoe! The Book is "Delusions of Grandeur" - some say it's controversial, but I know that it's a lot of fun when John and Kane do dramatic readings...oh, it happened - and Chris committed to his dramatic reading too - a MUST HEAR! Follow him on Twitter: @EmperorAndoe and tell him you heard him on The John And Kane Show ...and of course,