Indio Radio Podcast!

John And Kane on Indio Radio - Monday 8-24-15



Live from Shock City Studios! ( - @ShockCityMusic) John and Kane are LIVE Monday thru Friday at 10a CT on INDIO RADIO...It's The John and Kane Show - It's DOWNLOADABLE and it’s Monday! So, we kick off the show with our backup engineer: Adam White - he's in to share the story of OKILLy DoKILLy - The Ned Flanders Metal Band - check them out on Facebook: - could they be sued by The Simpsons? Doh! Then we bring in comedian Jeremy Essig - on Loser. A Live Action Shame Show - The John And Kane Show Edition - Aug 31st at The Heavy Anchor - connect and click JOIN on Facebook: - and actually JOIN us! Jeremy plays the game with us to demonstrate - add alcohol to the mix at The Heavy Anchor - and this is destined to be quality entertainment - we'll see you there! ...and of course, we learned what we learned on the show...Follow @JohnAndKaneShow, @JohnLaun1 and @INDIO_RADIO on Twitter - Check out the n