Closer To Fifty

#4 The Only Big Ones Are Gonna Be The Bad Ones



Closer to 50 (Minority Report, Cherry on Top, Fifty First Cherries, something) follows stresses brought on by existing as mid-20s people who lack the all-around consistency everyone else seems to have. It also follows no clear-cut path and runs the gamut of obscure pop culture, personal reflection, and laughing at one's own dumb jokes. IN THIS EPISODE: LONG-DISTANCE PODCASTING Newsnewsnews, Respective jobs, Podomatic Rankings, Matt Gersin and Dustin Rucker of the Cosplay Creations Gang, Rough Planning, Vague Guardians Movie Review, The Spread of Interests, American Jesus, More Peer Progress, Old Timey Advertisements for New Timey People, Panty(hose) Raid, Celebration of Dogs, You’ve Been Wraithed, Year Choice Mistake