Psychology Of Eating

Accepting Our Aging Bodies – In Session with Marc David



We all have different reasons for wanting to lose weight: Feeling lighter  Being healthier Fitting into your “skinny” clothes Or sometimes, just feeling more confident… And sometimes, there are hidden reasons for wanting to lose weight that we don’t even realize we have. For Nataliya, 46, weight loss has been a lifelong journey. Nataliya wants to be more confident in her body, and to feel lighter. She jokes that her goal is to feel “like a squirrel” and be able to jump from branch to branch. But what she doesn’t quite realize is that her desire to feel lighter is driven by a part of her that’s thinking some “heavy thoughts.” And as Marc David explains, those heavy thoughts are all about her resistance to something that so many of us would like to avoid: ===> Aging.  Even though she is youthful, has a young child, a great marriage, and is in good health, Nataliya is starting to feel older – and her unwanted weight is just one more reminder of the aging process. She finds herself often longing for the body sh