Hero Blob

Hero BLOB 7D: Rise of the Jive Turkeys



WATCH OUT, jive turkey! GIT DOWN, mothalubba! GO HIDE, Mary Jane! Like a human tornado, Hero BLOB's gonna rip his way through the 1970s! With rat-soup-eater extraordinaire ROGER MCTUFFSON on his tail and the mysterious CHILIPEPPERMAN spicin' things up, can BLOB take on the forces of DRUG CRIME in the seventies? And can he do it all in the wonders of 7D?! Follow BLOB on this journey through time and to the depths of danger in the newest and possibly the greatest adventure, HERO BLOB 7D: RISE OF THE JIVE TURKEYS!!! [Note: the above is the last known photograph featuring BLOB's nose. If you know of its whereabouts or have seen it, please call the anonymous toll-free hotline 1-800-3463-25627-6673]