Hero Blob




Four more years of DANGER for Hero BLOB as he invades the world of politics for the first time ever! Will President Vobama's Executive Branch leave BLOB out on a limb? Will BLOB's ability to turn into any liquid leave Vobama all wet? Will the Predator drones be enough to protect the President from the liquidy rage of the Wet Wonder that is Hero BLOB? Will chinchillas finally be able to marry in the USA? If you're an American, you NEED to hear this! If not, you need to hear it even more! If you listen to one BLOB radio play this week, THIS IS THE ONE! Featuring fat political pundit Brush Rimbaud, Secret Service Steve, Presidential Housekeeper Luby Lou, the Chilipepperman, and of course Hero BLOB!!! Starring Nicolas Nadeau and Schedel Luitjen! (Atomic explosion sound by Ryan Snook)