Butterflies Radio/indieviews Artist Spotlight

Butterflies Radio IndieViews Artist Spotlight - Ashleigh Ashton 7/14/13



Listen to the Butterflies Radio @IndieViews Artist Spotlight each Monday night at 8 PM EST on www.butterfliesradio.com. The hour long pre-recorded show features songs and an interview with me, Kiva Johns-Adkins with an Indie Artist from the station's rotation. This week's guest is a multi-talented young woman from Chicago. Ashleigh Ashton is not only a singer/songwriter, but she also dances and acts as well as doing motivational speaking about bullying. We talk about her busy summer schedule, her work in community theater (including her work with the famed Piven Theater), and how her soon-to-be-released video for Break in 2 assists her in her motivational speaking engagements.