Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep016



Episode 16: Gary starts off this episode by discussing his schedule, as well as the scheduling (and other factors) involving the completion and publishing of his third book with Hay House. He goes on to discuss interacting with a number of other well-known authors, including Esther and Jerry Hicks, Doreen Virtue (the voice of Pursah in the DU audio set), and Wayne Dyer (who coincidentally has a home in the same town as Gene.) Also discussed: Michael Mirdad (whom Gene has been friends with for many years, and Gary has appeared with); as well as Gregg Braden, thought very highly of by both Gary and Gene. • Then, it's time for, "Questions for Gary!" First up: the "Other Side"... what is it, and how does this concept fit into Gary's teachings? Gary goes into some detail on this, discussing the Course principles of levels, the "serial dreams" involving belief in bodies (as well as seeming to be 'out of body'), and how forgiveness is the solution to finally ending the dream entirely