Double Deuce Podcast

407: Swamp Violence 2: The In-Laws (w/ Courtney Shipley!)



We’re in person in Nelson’s garage with special guest Courtney Shipley! The Notes: This is the hardest one! Nelson’s garage! Why the cows, gateway! Nelson is working that google tonight! The Amish are a simple people, they have a simple store! How many quakers in a cubit (Google-Nelson says there are 20.4 inches in a cubit)! Quakelets! English is a funny language! We start teaching ESL! Nelson retires from google! Everybody has a job to do here! There is 0% unemployment in this garage, but you don’t hear about that at the city commission meetings! Puppet complaints aka Will’s new nemesis! Will has never had a problem with solid waste! Garbage removal mafia! The crime of fly-tipping! The tiny appliances of England! What that real bread do! Dead frog update aka the Swamp Violence sequel! Will’s mother-in-law killed a mouse with a stick! I deduce the method of murder was poison! Frog bordello! The ugly side of urban swamp renewal! Nelson has a crazy mouse story! That lady pants-Lenny-ed a mouse! Unsolved Frog an