Ponderings From The Perch

MRX Mavericks: Protecting and Serving the Industry with Melanie Courtright



Strap on your headsets and fasten your seatbelts - we're taking you on a ride through the skies of market research! Welcome to the MRX Mavericks miniseries, where we'll show you how to soar above the competition like the true Top Guns of the market research industry. Today, our CEO and Momma Bird, Priscilla McKinney, is joined by Melanie Courtright, the Chief Executive Officer at Insights Association. Melanie is a true vanguard in shaping the future of the insights and analytics industry. With almost three decades of experience, she knows the industry inside out and is a powerful advocate for quality and excellence. As a skilled networker in the market research arena, she can teach you a thing or two about meaningful connections. Insights Association has a unique role as a service organization dedicated to the insights profession. Melanie explains that their focus is on protecting and strengthening the industry by setting standards of quality, advocating for regulations that make sense, and ensuring the pro