While She Naps With Abby Glassenberg

Episode #50: Salley Mavor and Mimi Kirchner



On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast we're talking about stitching and doll making with my guests, Salley Mavor and Mimi Kirchner. Salley Mavor uses sculptural needlework to illustrate stories. Her 3-dimensional works of art incorporate highly detailed stitching and found objects. She embroiders, wraps, embellishes, and paints to create tableaus in bas-relief. Mimi Kirchner is a fine art fabric toy maker. Inspired by classic children's tales and the Americana style embodied by sailors, lumberjacks, and circus performers, her work is meticulously crafted with hand-embroidery and applique details. She's  licensed designs to Land of Nod and West Elm as well. This episode is sponsored by Creativebug. Use the code NAPS at checkout to get a free month-long subscription and try out some wonderful online classes. Please note that this show used to be called the While She Naps podcast. The name has changed, but the content and host have stayed the same. To get the full show notes for this epis