While She Naps With Abby Glassenberg

Episode #29: Ame Verso, Content Director for F+W



On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast I talk with Ame Verso, Content Director for F+W, the world's largest publishing group. Amy has over 10 years of experience editing and commissioning craft books. We discuss what a winning craft book proposal looks like, how much audience size matters for potential authors, how royalty structures work, whether you need an agent, who owns the copyright for material published in a craft book, and more. Ame was very generous in sharing her knowledge of the craft publishing industry. Send her a message on Twitter @ameverso. Please note that this show used to be called the While She Naps podcast. The name has changed, but the content and host have stayed the same. To get the full show notes for this episode, visit Craft Industry Alliance where you can learn more about becoming a member of our supportive trade association. Strengthen your creative business, stay up to date on industry news, and build connections with forward-thinking craft professionals. Meet