While She Naps With Abby Glassenberg

Episode #23: Ann Wood



On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast I chat with artist Ann Wood.   Ann works with found and salvaged materials, many of them vintage or antique garments. She’s interested in transformation, turning cardboard boxes from the fancy grocery store on her block into turreted castles and ruined old petticoats and gowns into seas for paper mache boats. She loves to give the most common materials and tired, dispirited, faded things new importance and meaning. Throughout her life Ann’s been infatuated with smallness, intricacies, miniaturization, collections, repetition; lost or abandoned things discovered and rescued; the idea of haunted and enchanted places, and the setting of a tiny stage. Ann lives Brooklyn. Please note that this show used to be called the While She Naps podcast. The name has changed, but the content and host have stayed the same. To get the full show notes for this episode, visit Craft Industry Alliance where you can learn more about becoming a member of our supportive trade