Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Dr Pat Boulonge Mindset and more S5 E9



In this episode we meet Dr Pat. We talk about mindset and options and how you are in the driver’s seat. If we learn how to talk or be like we were when we were first in a relationship.  And it's just  you get so much farther, and then you're healthier, you're happier, you have better habits  and you can think and grow  rich from inside out    and when you do that, then you have more possibilities from outside in, ~Dr Pat Boulonge Dr. Pat Boulogne DC, CCSP, AP, CFMP is a high-performance mastery mentor/coach, functional medicine doctor, lifestyle strategist, and an international bestselling author. She is also the CEO and founder of Health Team Network-a company that’s dedicated to skyrocketing health, lifestyle, and mindset- with superior science based solutions and programs, and where results matter. She is most passionate about sharing knowledge and solutions and making sense of challenges that result in even better outcomes that keep you on top of your game at work, home, or play-> everything you need