Movies N Sh*t

Episode 60: I Wish There Were Less of Them



In today’s episode, we start with miscellaneous shit — cut scenes, youtube channels, great deals on movie stuff, listener feedback… you know, shit like that.  Then it’s back to our regularly scheduled program with Movies We’ve Seen since last time kicking off at 18:50, TV Talk at 1:08:05, and Entertainment News/Upcoming Trailers and Stuff at 1:21:51.  Please keep in mind that all of us have off days as you listen to Patrick give a less than stellar performance in the latest installment of What Year Did That Come Out Again? at 1:38:21, before an equally forgettable edition of Paul Reubens Guess That Rotten Tomato Score at 1:42:10.  Lastly, Kelly and Patrick provide two more Hidden Gem recommendations for your viewing pleasure at 1:46:43.  Episode highlights include discussions about how there are just too many period pieces, the superiority of Taylor Sheridan productions, the origin of the Jeremiah Johnson gif, loving shout-outs to Jimmy Buffet and Taylor Swift, and an angry rant from Patrick about the disgust