Ponderings From The Perch

The Win-Win of Hearing Rare Patient Voices in Market Research



Healthcare is a sensitive subject for many struggling with rare diseases or disabilities. Researchers in the healthcare sphere are challenged with finding delicate ways to approach patients. How do researchers advance technology and create positive outcomes for patients?  In today’s episode, our CEO, Priscilla McKenney, welcomes Wes Michael, President of Rare Patient Voice. His company's unique approach to building market research panels allows patients and caregivers to contribute their insights to researchers and companies worldwide. Rare Patient Voice has expanded globally, completed numerous projects, and served hundreds of clients, all with the aim of making a positive impact on the lives of participants and future patients and caregivers. Researchers are being forced to look beyond the basic questions when approaching respondents. Making a difference in the healthcare industry requires a more personalized touch. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods, researchers must introduce additional el