My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

185 Cynthia Petrovits, Creator of Sneakermutt



Hi Everyone, I spoke with Cythnia Petrovits, the creator, philanthropist, artist, and runner for Sneakermutt. She is no longer pursing this fundraising venture. I thought it would be helpful for listeners to hear about someone that did something from the ground up that meant so much them. Here is a bit about Sneakermutt: Sneaker Mutt is crazy for running and dogs, but we are especially crazy for runners who love dogs. Our mission is to give back, by doing what we love for a cause that we love: WE USE OUR FEET TO HELP PAWS. Since 2012, Sneaker Mutt has been giving back to local shelters/rescues in the Hudson Valley and beyond through the sales of our handcrafted sweatshirts, T-shirts, and glove dog stuffies. In 2022 we amped things up and hosted our first race, DIRTY PAWS & CLAWS 2X5K ROAD/TRAIL RELAY CHALLENGE and raised over $5400 for the Dutchess County SPCA! To learn more about Sneakermutt and donate: Sneakermutt Instagram Thanks for listening!