Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#231: “I’m Terrible At Writing My Own Copy” And Other Copywriting Lies That Are Killing Your Sales With Marie Forleo



Let me ask you a question: Can you relate to any of these issues when it comes to writing your own copy? It takes forever to write a headline, a blog post, or the script for your podcast or video show because you’re constantly second guessing yourself? You write something, put it out there and...CRICKETS? (The silence is devastating.) You’ve got a tight deadline and you sit down to write but you’re completely blocked? You can’t seem to eek out anything on that page and the clock is ticking? If there’s one thing that most of us as online entrepreneurs have experienced it’s getting tripped up on writing copy. Well, don’t worry, there’s hope for us yet... Two things my guest, Marie Forleo (yes, the Marie from the award winning MarieTV!) shared on the podcast today that really resonated with me, and I think will with you too, are: You CAN learn to be a stellar copywriter in your business. (No more telling yourself otherwise!) Writing effective copy has been the single most important skill that Marie ha