Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#204: How She Quit Her Day Job and Turned Her Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Thing with Melissa Norris



Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: One question I get asked a bunch: How do I transition from my 9-to-5 to an online business full-time? What are the exact steps? There are a lot of different ways to get there, but I wanted to bring in one of my students who did it in a less-scary and less-painful way that you can learn from and model. Melissa Norris will share with us ONE roadmap for how she got to where she could quit her day job and live out her dream business. Melissa’s story is filled with amazing insights and a-ha moments that many of you will be able to use for your own journeys—especially if you are interested in investing your time and money into webinars! (25:30) Now here’s the kicker for today’s ep: Melissa’s business is all about the pioneering lifestyle! I’m talking full functioning homestead with pigs and cattle, grinding your own flour, canning vegetables… things you’ll probably NEVER see me doing (and for good reason!). The fascinating thing is she was able to use the same mar