Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

The Surprising Power of Silence On Sales Calls



Silence Isn't Awkward— It's A Powerful Tool On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Keith Lubner, Sales Gravy Executive VP, and Jessica Stokes, Sales Gravy Master Sales Trainer, discuss strategies that leverage discomfort on sales calls to drive engaging conversations and achieve better outcomes. By intentionally using silence, sales professionals can prompt prospects to actively engage and lean into the conversation. Preparation is key, and when executed correctly, this technique can inspire meaningful connections and foster a deeper understanding of customer needs. The goal is to strike a balance and avoid excessive discomfort, while still capturing attention and prompting thoughtful responses from your prospect. This approach can be effective in both in-person and phone sales meetings, as long as the sales professional is both intentional and well-prepared. Leveraging discomfort can drive engaging sales conversations, lead to more successful sales interactions, and yield better outcomes. Introd