
Tone is in Your Fingers



Any photographer will tell you it doesn't really matter what camera you use if you know how to take a good picture. So often, businesses obsess over getting a fancy office, the best software or breakroom snacks, when they really should be focusing on getting customers and making money. It doesn't matter what gear you have as long as you know what you're doing.Show Notes01:45 - Leica02:42 - Malcom Gladwell Explains What Everyone Gets Wrong About His Famous '10,000 Hour Rule' (Business Insider)02:59 - Start at the Epicenter ( - PHP04:37 - Ruby05:11 - TextMate06:41 - Jason Fried (Hey World)06:44 - I bought a sauna (Jason Fried - Hey World)08:47 - Fuji Film08:47 - Canon09:12 - Barnes & Noble12:31 - 37signals19:45 - Maverick - Ricardo Semler (Amazon)19:53 - Semco Style Institute20:10 - Several Short Sentences about Writing - Verlyn Klinkenborg ( - Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders - L. David Marquet (