Ponderings From The Perch

Facing the Future of Market Research with Eileen Campbell



You have been questioned. The marketing and market research industries have been challenged. But what if we had the courage to face them boldly? Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird, here at Little Bird Marketing as she welcomes inspirational and aspirational colleague Eileen Campbell. With an amazing amount of experience in the industry and a finger on the pulse of what the change makers are thinking about today, she shares her insightful perspective about what conversations we should be having for better outcomes, including: How do we help our clients grow their business? How do we start moving at a faster pace that is more in alignment with the pace of business? How do we increase the amount of value we bring to the C-suite table for better decision-making? How do we clarify the voice of the consumer to the stakeholders? As we continue to partner with businesses to help them face their most pressing challenges, we all can start asking better questions of each other. Eileen underscores that she