Keep It Real With Khadija Podcast

Linda Plant Business Academy



Since finding fame as one of Lord Sugar's respected interviewers on The Apprentice, Linda Plant has gone on to create a specialised business success course, designed to empower anyone wishing to bring a new idea to market, and to provide guidance on how to successfully run a company.In this week's show, Linda discusses the beliefs that have led her to sharing her experience in this way, and how you can benefit from such an incredible and insightful course of guidance!KEY TAKEAWAYSVoices such as Linda's are an empowering way to engender trust back into the market, following the negative effects of the COVID lockdown. Businesses should not be scared, and need to be energised.Business education is only a part of what people need in order to succeed. There is a wealth of experience that comes from on-the-job business training that education simply cannot provide.Never feel that your time is over just because of your age. You have experience and knowledge that younger generations cannot hope to gain yet.The value