Feedback (podcast) W/ Wes Nyle

FeedBack w. Wes Nyle. EP28. Sinkane / On-Line Meia. 10.06.12



FeedBack w. Wes Nyle. EP28. Sinkane / On-Line Meia. 10.06.12Originally this podcast was supposed to highlight the work of Sinkane but somewhere along the line my Attention Deficit Disorder got the best of me and I began to think and write about all the amazing music I have downloaded in the past few years. I started this podcast to highlight bands that my listeners haven’t heard of yet and hopefully expose them to genres that they may not have known they could like, while at the same time keeping my production chops fresh. Along the way I have discovered some amazing talent that I wouldn’t have even known about without this online underground music society and to me that is awesome.I would like to start interviewing underground bands that have at least one album out, and are willing to sit on the phone with me and discuss their craft, and what it feels like to do what they do. If that sounds like fun to you then hit me up on FaceBook/WesleyNyle or find me on Twitter/WesleyNyle. I would love to li