Cathleen Miller's Podcast

episode 98 Your Galactic Akashic Records



Internationally acclaimed master intuitive Cathleen Miller shares expert insights and tips for you to be more inspired into your own business + wellness Intuitive Lifestyle Success. August 2023 podcast theme questions What is your star history? Cathleen shares insight around the power of working with the akashic records and how they can transform your blockages and build confidence in greater awakening today.Calling all Starseeds!  LAST CHANCE TO JOIN SUNDAY AUG 20th 2023Watch the July 2023 replay of the Starseed Global Alchemy Team's group session with Cathleen Miller. During this intro, we discussed why this topic is so relevant to the collective at this time. Watch here >> the Starseed Global Alchemy group, you'll unlock the secrets of harnessing starseed energies and tap into your own extraordinary gifts and abilities. Together, let's contribute to creating a world of greater balance and peace for ourselves and our beloved planet Earth.Our 6-month series