Marriage, Kids And Money

Pay Off the Mortgage or Invest? How We Did Both



In today’s episode, I answer the age-old question: “Should you pay off your mortgage or invest?”  I go over the exact steps my family took to pay off our mortgage and build up a significant investment portfolio that allowed us to reach Coast FIRE and transition to part-time employment. I also discuss the benefits of couples therapy, resting when you need to, and prioritizing living in the present.  MORTGAGE FREE FAMILY SEGMENT: Melinda Walker, Georgia-based, small business owner, joins the Marriage Kids and Money podcast to discuss how her family paid off their $110k home 15 years early, why the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Movement inspired her, and her family’s entrepreneurial success that eventually led to ultimate time-freedom RESOURCES: Sponsors + Partners + Deals MELINDA’S BOOK: Profitable Pet Sitter: 7 Steps to Turn Your Passion for Pets into a Profitable Pet Sitting Business  OTHER EPISODES YOU MIGHT LIKE: 15 Incredible Benefits of a Paid Off House Don’t Pay Off Your Mortgage (Yet!)