Franklincovey On Leadership With Scott Miller

Episode #105 Tiffany Shlain



The Power in Powering Down | Join Emmy-nominated filmmaker and the bestselling author of, 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week, Tiffany Shlain, as she shares her experience with the powerful ritual of unplugging and connecting with those around you. Subscribe to the FranklinCovey On Leadership email newsletter and receive weekly videos, tools, articles, and podcasts to help you become a better leader. Are You Technically Distracted? Scott deconstructs his increasing reliance on technology and proposes Tiffany Shlain's 'Tech Shabbat' as a means to reduce dependence and distraction. 3 Steps to Bring Sanity to Your Schedule: Tame the busyness of your upcoming week with these three simple planning steps.